
Monstrance at the top of the High Altar

Pontifical Canon - before the beginning of the Mass

First and Second Masters of Ceremonies during the procession to the High Altar

Subdeacon carrying the Book of Gospels (Maniple inside) during the procession to the High Altar
Bishop Rifan on his way to the High Altar (after leaving the Sacristy)

Procession to the High Altar - Bishop Rifan & the two Assistant Deacons

Prayers at the Foot of the Altar
Bishop Rifan kisses the Book of Gospels after the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar

1st MC, Crozier-bearer & Book-bearer

Beginning of the Gospel

The Deacon chanting the Gospel

Sacred Ministers listening to the Gospel being chanted


Acolytes on their way to wash the Bishop's hands

Offertory - Wine & Water
Offering of the Chalice

Assistant Priest & Candle-bearer during Incensation of Altar during the Offertory

Incesation after the Offertory

Consecration of Host

Consecration of Chalice

Subdeacon with Humeral Veil and Paten

Ecce, Agnus Dei

Ite, Missa Est
Final Blessing

Recession - Everyone goes back to the Sacristy