Thursday, August 9, 2007


Prayer taken from The Glories of the Catholic Church, Vol. III

JESUS my Savior, My God, my Friend,
In life and in death my soul defend,
In joy and sorrow, in good and ill,
Be Thou my hope and protector still.

My joy, Thy glory; my hope, Thy Name;
Amiable Jesus, my heart inflame;
In virtue’s ways all my steps direct,
Powerful Jesus, my soul protect.

To Thee I fly as to sure repose,
Conquering Jesus, subdue my foes;
When in affliction and grief I bend,
Comfortless Jesus, be Thou my Friend.

Let not Thy torments and sighs be vain,
Suffering Jesus, my hope sustain;
Thou, too, didst weep in Thy mortal years,
Sorrowing Jesus, accept my tears.

Grant I may walk in Thy footsteps bright;
Glorious Jesus, be Thou my light;
Grant I may never desert Thy side;
Crucified Jesus, be Thou my side.

When my race is run, and I reach the goal,
Merciful Jesus, accept my soul
Freed from this valley of tears and woe,
Bountiful Jesus, my crown bestow.

Thus guarded in life and in death may I be,
And Jesus be ever a Jesus to me.

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