[If you want some kind of chronological order, work your way up when looking at the pictures = start with the last picture].
Summus Pontifex quoties ad thronum solemnibus functionibus assistit, vel Basilicam sancti Petri more nobili ingreditur ante missam pontificalem, seu in consistoriis, utitur manto papali, id est amplo pluviali caudato super albam cum cingulo et stola, necnon cum falda. Mantum papale eodem modo conficitur ac pluviale romanum, sed longe ducitur infra pedes, ita ut dum Papa ambulat sustineri debeat tum a parte anteriori tum a postica parte.
Mantum non sequitur codicem colorum liturgicorum sed vel est album vel rubrum.
In functionibus pænitentialibus seu in colore violaceo vel pro fidelibus defunctis Papa adhibet mantum rubrum cum stola violacea subtus. (Ius Pontificalium, 1956).
Mantum non sequitur codicem colorum liturgicorum sed vel est album vel rubrum.
In functionibus pænitentialibus seu in colore violaceo vel pro fidelibus defunctis Papa adhibet mantum rubrum cum stola violacea subtus. (Ius Pontificalium, 1956).
...And Paul VI was the last Pope to be seen wearing a Papal Mantum...
After a distance of forty years or so these mantums look absurd and deserved to be discarded.
ReplyDelete[I would prefer that people who leave comments choose a name (within the limits of respect and decency)].
ReplyDeleteWell, if they deserved to be discarded just because you say or think so, then... tell us what else needs to be discarded. Then, I will tell you what you will be left with.
Are you even a Catholic?
After a distance of 40 years, we can see that these things should not have been discarded at all. That is why there are efforts (even if small still) to bring back some of these things.
Since you will not have to wear one because you are not the Pope, all you can do is comment on how you do not like them.
Besides your personal taste, I would like to know what other reasons you have for thinking that they needed to be discarded.
Because they look absurd.
ReplyDeleteLooks absurd? The papal mantum is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful vestment distinct for the Holy Father.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that anonymous prefers that Cathlolic clergy, the Holy Father included, dress a little more like Pastor Hagee - in a cheap polyester suit, white socks, and black shoes.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame that these things are no longer in use. They really are beautiful. Why not put on our best for the Lord? That is what I don't understand.
ReplyDeleteWell, this is just a fluke of mine, but, maybe The Church purposely did that for the times so they wouldn't lose many of the faithful. If that is true then they were wrong because they lost many that were brought up to be faithful to the Church anyway, because they just don't believe it and the Church created a new problem with Vatican II by not making clear most of the documents, particularly Sacrosanctum Concilium. The translation between that constitution and the GIRM is...horrible.
I agree.