Notice the three bands, which are supposed to resemble the 3 rings of a tiara. They could do much better than that!
So our Mass goes back, without essential change, to the age when it first developed out of the oldest liturgy of all. It is still redolent of that liturgy, of the days when Cæsar ruled the world and thought he could stamp out the faith of Christ, when our fathers met together before dawn and sang a hymn to Christ as to a God. The final result of our enquiry is that, in spite of unsolved problems, in spite of later changes, there is not in Christendom another rite so venerable as ours. ~Fortescue
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Patriarch of Lisbon - Again
Notice the three bands, which are supposed to resemble the 3 rings of a tiara. They could do much better than that!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
El Pecado
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas - ~R. L. Bruckberger

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Falda Papalis - ~Mgr. Nabuco

Fimbria seu falda papalis alia erat serica, lanea alia, juxta tempus, nunc tamen usus fimbriæ laneæ obsolevit. Falda originem suam duxisse supponitur una cum magno pluviali, quod long ductum protenditur infra pedes Summi Pontificis. Vestes hæ solemnes sunt, præsertim cum Summus Pontifex in hexaphorone seu sede gestatoria vel in throno suo sedet. Quum tamen Papa ambulat hisce indutus vestibus duo prelati anteriorem partem sustinent, cardinales duo oras pluvialis, cubicularii duo seu princeps solio assistens posticam partem fimbriæ. Fateri debemus hujusmodi vestes ad ambulandum factas non fuisse, et sex personas eas attollentes præter cæremoniarios duos passus Summi Pontificis intercludere. In processionibus Corporis Christi usus fimbriæ erat nimis incommodus, proinde Papæ inde a Pio IX illam pro processione non amplius induunt. Moroni, 23, p. 10.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Crocia - ~Mgr. Joaquim Nabuco

Prelati di mantellone:

In capellis papalibus, loco mantelli, cubicularii induunt crociam laneam rosacei coloris cum amplis manicis ad dimidium brachium, similem crociæ caudatarium. Superimponitur palliolum humerale laneum cum subsutis e serico rosaceo, quod tempore hiemali cooperitur pellibus armellineis.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Minor Orders

Hence the holy hierarchy of sacred ministers, the supernatural origin and divine character of which was defined by the Council of Trent. {Si quis dixerit non esse hierarchiam divina ordinatione institutam, anathema sit. CONC. TRID., Sess. xxm, can. 6. Minor Orders. 5}.

Thus, the pontificate or the plenitude of priestly power which resides in the Bishop, is distributed by ordination into seven distinct orders, the one subordinate to the other: the priesthood, which gives the power to offer and consecrate the Divine Host; the diaconate, charged with its distribution; the subdiaconate, to which belongs the duty of preparing the matter of the sacrifice and the sacred vessels; the order of acolyte, to which belongs the care of the altar and the lights; the order of exorcist, which keeps out the unworthy and frees those possessed; the order of lector, which proclaims the word of God and assists the hearers to penetrate into its spirit; the order of ostiary, which guards the property of the House of God and assembles the faithful.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Papal Privileges - Patriarch of Lisbon

This Mitre, from far away, is supposed to resemble a (papal) Tiara. That is the purpose of the three lines of jewls on it. Of course, the top will always look like a Mitre, even from far away, because it is a Mitre! However, the tiara (very different from the Papal one) is still part of coat of arms of the Patriarch of Lisbon. Check their website!
Now, this is a picture (very small, though) of the sedia and the flabella used by the Patriarch. The sedia looks smaller than the Papal one and not as wide. The flabella are much smaller, too.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
La inmaculada - ~ P. Rodríguez Villar
Diecinueve siglos suspiró la Iglesia por este Dogma. -- Contempla el magnífico desfile: son los Santos Padres, los Doctores, los escritores eclesiasticos, los místicos y ascéticos, los santos todos y en especial los más enamorados de María, los que han tejido sin cesar una corona de alabanzas a su Inmaculada Concepción. Son las vírgenes de la Santa Iglesia que por imitar su inmaculada pureza, se consagran a Ella, y a imitación suya, con voto de virginidad. -- Mira cuántas son y qué hermosas... ¡qué ejército tan escogido!... es el ejército blanco de María Inmaculada. -- Fué todo el pueblo cristiano que la aclamaba hasta en sus cantares, pura y limpia en su Concepción. -- No ha habido Dogma más hondamente sentido, ni más comprendido por todos que éste. -- Y fué entonces, cuando después de diecinueve siglos, el Papa Pío IX, recogiendo ese anhelo y esas alabanzas, teje con ellas la corona definitiva de la definición dogmática de la Inmaculada Concepción.
Contempla ahora el alma de María al entrar en el mundo. -- También Ella debía ser como nosotros y nacer como nosotros... pero Dios la exceptúa y Ella sola... la única... nace tal, cual se formó en las manos del Señor... pura... limpia... sin mancha... inmaculada. -- Mira a los ángeles acompañándola con palmas y celebrando su entrada en este mundo que no es una derrota como en nosotros [que nacemos con pecado], sino un triunfo sobre la serpiente. Canta con los ángeles alabanzas a la Virgen, al verla así tan hermosa aparecer en la tierra. -- No ha habido, ni habrá flor más blanca que el alma de María en su concepción.
...Contempla a esa alma purísima que brota de las manos de Dios, y burlando al demonio entra en el mundo victoriosa, mientras los ángeles la acompañan y la cantan "Toda hermosa eres María, y no hay en Ti mancha alguna." -- Repite muchas veces: todos menos Tú... donde todos caen, Tú no caes... donde todos mueren, Tú vives... donde todos se manchan, Tú permaneces pura e Inmaculada. -- Privilegio gloriosísimo por ser único.

Piensa cómo Dios deja gustoso su Palacio del Cielo por morar en María. -- ¡Qué pureza daría a aquella sangre que había de correr por las venas de su Hijo!... ¡Qué carmín a aquellos labios que tantas veces habían de besar las mejillas de su Hijo!... ¡Qué brillo a aquellos ojos que se habían de extasiar contemplando los de su Hijo!... ¡Qué manos las que habían de sostener al que sostiene con las suyas a la creación entera!... ¡Qué corazón tan puro, tan delicado, tan tierno!... Ella en su Concepción tuvo más santidad y gracia que todos los santos juntos... donde los demás terminan, Ella empieza: ¿qué será María?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
† DO NOT destroy Signs of the Cross. It is an action to be proud of.
† Do not rush your responses.
† Do not begin your response till the Priest has finished his part.
† Do not destroy your genuflections. Bring your right knee down to the ground close to your left foot, keeping head and shoulders erect.
† Sign yourself (†) when the Priest begins to read the Introit, except during Masses for the deceased.
† ALWAYS make the reverences every time the Most Holy Name of Our Lord (Jesus or Jesus Christ, but not just Christ), the Name of Our Lady (Mary), the name of the reigning Pontiff, and name of the Saint of the day are mentioned (This does not occur on Sundays).
† Do not rush about the Sanctuary, and do not dawdle, either.
† Do not be afraid to join your hands properly: palms together, right thumb over left. If one hand is doing something, place the unoccupied hand on your heart. (Your heart is not right over to the left).
† ALWAYS remember to genuflect every time you pass in front of the Tabernacle.
† Do not rub the cruet against the Priest's fingers at the Lavabo or for the Ablutions. Leave him room to move his fingers.
† DO NOT hand the Priest anything with your LEFT hand.
† Do not ring the bell as though it were an alarm. The bell is a signal.
† Do not fail to watch for the Dómine non sum dignus. Remember that the Priest has to say it in a low tone, and if there is a noise, you might not hear him.
† DO NOT stretch along the Altar to pour wine into the Chalice. Go quietly up to the side of the Priest. Be ready to do so as soon as you return to the Altar.
† DO NOT rest your hands on the Altar. Only the Celebrant may do that, and he only sometimes.
† DO NOT lean against the Altar.
† NEVER walk backwards. The back of the cassock is longer than the front.
† When you are sitting down, rest your hands flat on your lap.
† Always be attentive during the Mass and the Sermon. DO NOT look around the church or directly at the congregation.
† When you help the Priest to distribute Holy Communion, DO NOT turn the Communion plate over as there might be some Particles of the Blessed Sacrament on it.